Il portale è iscritto nel Registro dei Gestori delle Vendite Telematiche con PDG 3 del 04/08/2017 - Modello di Org., Gestione e Controllo ai sensi del D.lgs 231/01 & Codice Etico

Industrial building - 3
Court of Messina, proc 6/2014, Lotto 5
Id that: 506676
Id that: 506676
Base price

€ 99.915,59

This time
03/06/2024 12:00
Warehouses and storage rooms
Methods of sale


Begins the 03/06/2024 12:00

€ 99.915,59

Base price

Full ownership for the 1000/1000 share of industrial warehouse located in Rosarno (Reggio Calabria). Consisting of a reinforced concrete building, where the ground floor, divided into two large rooms, of which the largest of the size of about 228 square meters is used as a cold room, while the smaller of about 03 square meters is used as a warehouse for the containers of the natural essences and products for the enzyme. An external staircase leads to the first floor where there are toilets, changing rooms and a storage area for a total area of about 130 square meters. The entire building is abandoned from its usual use. The real estate unit has a different internal height in the different rooms: the room used as a cold room has a height of 6.80 m, the warehouse of 3.80 m, while the toilets, the locker rooms and the store room for the floor upper have a height of 2.80 m. It develops on the PT-IP floor and has a total gross area of about 434 square meters. For more details, consult the appraisal and the photos in the attachments section. The good is sold as seen and liked without any guarantee on its functionality or the possibility of withdrawal from the unsatisfied buyer. The Curator is not responsible for the failure or partial correspondence of the descriptions of the lots present in the auction and declines all responsibility for any errors, omissions and inaccuracies in the photos, descriptions, quantities and any other details indicated in the lot; for this reason the vision of the lot is strongly recommended in order to verify the real condition of the assets in the auction. Tax charges following the sale (VAT, Registration fee, Stamp duty, Possible Mortgage cancellation) paid by the buyer, unless otherwise provided by the GD All sales made through the conduct of the auctions on and are subject to the provisions of the civil code relating to forced sales. Finally, we remind you that the price balance must be paid no later than the 10th day from the auction award date, under penalty of forfeiture of the award and loss of the deposit paid in favor of the curatorship. For more info and request for goods visions, contact the Curator Avv. Raffaele Manganaro via protonotaro n.4 is. 204, 98123, Messina Tel. 090716165, Pec

Reggio di Calabria
Via Nazionale, 18
Law type
Piena proprietà
Dati catastali
Sezione Foglio Particella Subparticella Subalterno Subalterno2 Graffato
10 291 16
Race information
Base price
€ 99.915,59
Minimum offer
€ 99.915,59
10% of the price offered
3 minutes
Codes that
Iscrizioni aperte
Minimum relaunch
€ 3.000,00
Card Published the
22/04/2024 12:05
Race registration
29/04/2024 12:00
Race start
03/06/2024 12:00
Race term
13/06/2024 12:00
Bank transfer and presentation of offers within
12/06/2024 12:00
Following term.
Price balance term
Procedure data
Procedure no
Concordato Preventivo
Lotto No.
Lotto 5
Daniele Carlo Madia
Liquidatore giudiziale
Raffaele Manganaro
Soggetto specializzato alla vendita
Gruppo Edicom Spa
Il pagamento della cauzione (10% del prezzo offerto) dovrà essere effettuato tramite bonifico bancario alle seguenti coordinate: Edicom Servizi S.r.l. Codice IBAN: IT90E0326804607052737800862 - BIC: SELBIT2BXXX - Banca: BANCA SELLA S.P.A., VIA CARLO ALBERTO DALLA CHIESA, 3/B - PALERMO 90143 - Filiale: 04607, indicando quale causale di versamento: “Cauzione - C.P. n. 6/2014 Tribunale di Messina lotto n. ___"; L’accredito, nel conto indicato, dovrà avvenire entro le ore 12:00 del giorno antecedente a quello del termine della gara;
- Il saldo del prezzo dovrà essere versato dall'aggiudicatario tramite bonifico bancario alle seguenti coordinate: Edicom Servizi S.r.l. Codice IBAN: IT90E0326804607052737800862 entro e non oltre il termine di 120 gg. dall'aggiudicazione per i beni immobili ed entro e non oltre il termine di 15 gg. dall'aggiudicazione per i beni mobili e mobili registrati indicando quale causale di versamento:...
How to view
I beni potranno essere visionati, previa richiesta da effettuarsi a mezzo del Portale delle Vendite Pubbliche, o contattando il Liquidatore Avv. Raffaele Manganaro – Tel. 090716165 – e-mail
Liquidatore Avv. Raffaele Manganaro, Tel. 090716165 - email
Points of interest
    Base price

    € 99.915,59

    This time
    03/06/2024 12:00
    Warehouses and storage rooms
    Methods of sale
    Sales assistance
    Operators are online from Monday to Thursday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 18:30, on Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 17:00 or forward an e-email all address: